Texas Wildflowers

My favorite place to photograph wildflowers is the Hill Country of central Texas. In the spring this area enjoys cool mornings and evenings with warm afternoons. If there is sufficient rain the wildflowers can be wonderful. It is not uncommon for blooms to stretch uninterrupted for fifty miles or more in some areas. On weekends the back roads can be busy places in the best viewing areas.

Texas is a very large geographical area encompassing multiple climate types and zones. You can find Chihuahuan desert, semi-arid grassland, pine and hardwood forests as well as subtropical marine environments all within the state. That makes for interesting weather forecasts especially in the spring and fall seasons. In spring you can follow the wildflower bloom as it progresses across the state over a period of several weeks. That is assuming no drought conditions exist.

Many Texans make serious efforts to maintain native flora and fauna for all to enjoy. Almost all land in Texas is privately owned. That fact requires that Individuals make a commitment to protect the natural environment for future generations to experience. Fortunately most do. One such Texan was Ladybird Johnson. The wildflower center in Austin which bears her name is a must see for native plant enthusiasts.

Author: Ken

Avid photographer and old guy technologist.