The Flying Horse

The Flying Horse
Flying Horse - Bandera Texas
A Great Place in the Hill Country

Ask anyone in the Hill Country where to find the Cowboy Capital of the World and they will say Bandera Texas. It’s a small town with a beautiful nineteenth century courthouse and a cast of ‘The Bronco Buster’ by Remington in the middle of town. A few blocks South is the Flying Horse. At least that’s what it looks like to me.

There are plenty of things to do and see in town. Small shops, restaurants and bars are scattered along Main Street. Just remember this is ranching country so the barbecue is excellent and is always beef. Vegetarians won’t starve there is plenty variety for every taste.

Not All Cowboys Ride Horses

The Flying HorseThe hill country in is a great place to ride so Bandera is filled with motorcycles on the weekends.The annual bike rally each spring attracts thousands of riders. The municipal park North of town turns in a huge campground for the better part of a week. There are plenty of beautiful machines and noise but everyone is always friendly.

Don’t like camping and hotels too tame?  Dude Ranch

Free Calendars for the New Year

We are pleased to announce the first photo calendar downloads for 2020. This marks the third series of photo calendars from PhotoTrice.  We hope you enjoy them and don’t forget to tell your friends. 

The calendars are created as secured PDF documents for print or online display. Two date formats are available, North America version with weeks starting on Sunday or World version with weeks starting on Monday. You may distribute them freely as long as the original PhotoTrice logo, website information and copyright notice remain intact.

  • North American calendars have weeks starting on Sunday.
  • International calendars have weeks starting on Monday

Free Photo Calendar Downloads

Download this photo calendar using the links below. They are completely free with no signup  or personal information required. The calendars are published as secured PDF documents that may be printed or displayed as desired.


Something New

Over the last few months I’ve been teaching myself to use Adobe After Effects. My interest in creating animation began with making flip books in grade school but didn’t progress beyond that. I never dreamed that there would be tools available that would allow someone like me to actually build and publish animation. It is a wonderful technological world we live in.

This is my first attempt to combine photographs, narration and music into a video based photo essay. My idea was to create something more compelling than the usual boring digital/projector based “Here is my summer vacation” style format. As someone once said, you never know what will work until you try.

The format of a blog post is not ideal for embedding full HD video. Hopefully it is good enough to convey my idea at least to some degree.