Falling Water

Falling Water No 2
Falling Water No 2

I posted a high contrast black and white version of this photo a couple of weeks ago. That image was processed to accentuate foreground elements and water. With this version the exposure is more balanced between foreground and background areas. The gently flowing spring offers many compositions to explore as seasons progress.


Falling Water
Falling Water

The Texas Hill Country is filled with springs that feed small creeks. They mirror the levels of the underground aquifers that are the source of water in Central Texas. When the rains come, water percolates down into the limestone and eventually overflows onto the land as springs. Each spring has a unique habitat it supports.

We live in a world where the environmental balance is rapidly shifting. Conditions are not as predictable as they once were. There are now great concerns about the future viability of the precious aquifers we depend upon. For now the waters are flowing. The habitats they support are still intact.

In my lifetime I have witnessed devastation of much of our natural world. I will not pay the price for the squandering of our world but someone will. We are beings evolved to live within the natural environment of our planet. Our truly wonderful technologies cannot provide a substitute for our home on Earth.

Spring – 2017 No. 2

Hill Country Sunrise No. 2
Hill Country Sunrise No. 2

Another photo from the Texas Hill Country shot yesterday morning. The wildflower bloom in Central Texas will peak within the next few days. That gives me a chance to shoot some conventional landscapes and panoramas next weekend. You have to get out early to beat all the mothers and children doing family pictures among the flowers. It makes me smile to see the doting parents saving memories and embarrassing moments to show their grown children in a few years.